Game of Thrones & Dubrovnik walking Tour

Game of Thrones and Dubrovnik walking Tour

Game of Thrones and Dubrovnik walking Tour

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Experience the best of both worlds: the Discover Dubrovnik Walk and the Game of Thrones Tour!

This two-in-one tour gives you everything: you revisit the scenes of the most famous events in King’s Landing, whilst also getting an insight into Dubrovnik’s History.

Dubrovnik was the perfect choice as the setting for the capital in Game of Thrones – not only does it have stunning natural and historical locations, but the real-life history of the city can often compete with King’s Landing for political intrigue and strange stories. Our guides are extremely knowledgeable in both fact and fantasy and will bring the real and imagined worlds to life.

DURATION: 1,5 hours

1st of May – 31st of October
Daily at 12:30, 14:30 & 19:00*

PRICE: 150 kn

Game of Thrones and Dubrovnik walking Tour

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